Mitakuye Oyasin Experience

at prairie gardens

Mee-tah-coo-yay Oh-yah-seen

Explore the interconnectedness and indigenous ways of know with spiritual guidance of Elder Bill Bertschy. “We are all related,” or “all my relations.”

Join us in an experience of oneness and harmony with all Nations and forms of life: those that fly – the birds, insects, Those that walk on four legs, the animals of the forest, the Rooted Nation – trees and plants, the Star Nation, and even rocks, the land and each other.

Step into a world of sharing, learning and nature.

Experience Includes

We are proud to partner with Prairie Gardens to deliver our Mitakuye Oyasin Experience.

Program funded by

Rising Thunder Tourism is a proud recipient of the Travel Alberta Incubator Project. This program aims to support new and emerging tourism businesses. Our Mitakuye Oyasin Experience is possible because of this support.